The retina is the rear area of the eye where images are captured and sent to the brain, just like a photographic film. Retina Hospital In Ahmedabad, Gujarat personalized care to restore and maintain vision Retinal diseases occur when the retina, macula, or fovea are affected. Diagnosing retinal diseases is a complex process and should be conducted by ophthalmologists specializing in retinal treatments.
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of vision loss in adults aged 20–74 years. Poor vision or loss of eye sight could be caused by diabetes. Blood vessels that nourish the retina get damaged due to diabetes.
It is usually found in people suffering from hypertension. The cause of hypertension has to be treated along with the eye.
This happens when the retina detaches itself from the layer of blood vessels behind it. This condition has to be treated immediately as permanent vision loss can happen.
It is usually due to ageing process. This condition happens when the tissue in the macula degenerates, affecting the central vision.
It is a condition of intraocular bleeding from retinal vessels leading to sudden vision loss
Uveitis is a form of inflammation of the eye. It affects the middle layer of tissue in the wall of the eye which is called uvea.
It is a condition of intraocular bleeding from retinal vessels leading to sudden vision loss
Most accurate method to document loss of optic nerve fibres
Most accurate method to document loss of optic nerve fibres
Most accurate method to document loss of optic nerve fibres
Retinal laser photocoagulation is an OPD procedure used to treat retinal conditions like diabetic retinopathy, retinal tears, macular edema and retinal vein occlusions. It is most frequently used to seal a retinal tear to prevent retinal detachments which is a potentially blinding condition.
An intravitreal injection is a procedure to place a medication (anti-VEGF, steroids & antibiotics) directly into the space behind the lens, called the vitreous cavity. It helps treating diseases like Diabetic macular edema, Cystoid macular edema, Age related macular degeneration, IPCV amongst others
Small gauge sutureless intraocular surgery is known as minimally invasive vitreous surgery (MIVS) is the modern day solution for retina problems.
Top-End Resources & Equipments
35 years of Experience
Retinal Specialists & Experts
Director M.S. (OPHTH)
Vitreo-retinal & Uvea Specialist
M.S. (Ophth), FNERF
Vitreo-retinal & Uvea Specialist
M.S. (Ophth), FNERF
Dr. Dipan Desai has over 30 years of experience in the field of retina. He has managed most complicated retina cases. He has been performing all kinds of retina surgeries since 1987. He is a renowned senior surgeon.
Comprehensive Diabetic Eye Care
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
Digital Fundus Photography, with FFA (Fundus Fluorescein Angiography) & ICG (IndoCyanine Green Angiography)
Advanced Vitreo-Retinal Surgery
Stellaris Vitrectomy System
Retinal Lasers
Zeiss Microscope
ROP Screening
Intra-Vitreal Anti-VEGF Therapy
Posterior Sub-Tenon (PST) Injection Therapy